CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 18
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 18 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-01].iso
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Text File
283 lines
; MagnifiCAD Installation Script.
; v1.2, (C)1995-96 Anders Granli.
; 01.12.96
(set @user-level 1)
(welcome "\nWelcome to the installation\nof MagnifiCAD (v1.2)")
(message ("\nWelcome to the installation of MagnifiCAD!\n\nYou need about 650KB of free space on your\n hard drive for this installation.") )
; **
; ** Check kickstart version
; **
(set version (/ (getversion) 65536))
(if(< version 37)
(Exit "\nYou need at least Workbench 2.0\nto run MagnifiCAD.\n" )
(if (< version 39)
(set cont
(prompt (cat "\nYou have kickstart 2.0.\n\n "
"MagnifiCAD will work under 2.0,\n "
"but may have some slight problems.\n "
"Proceed to Install?\n " ))
(help (cat "\nIf you don't have Kickstart 3.0 or\n"
"higher, some things just won't work." ))
; **
; ** Check processor
; **
(set proc (database "cpu"))
; **
; ** Unpack to RAM:
; **
(run "lha e MagnifiCAD.lha RAM:temp/")
; **
; ** Ask where to install the program
; **
(set @default-dest "Work:")
(set Destination
(prompt (cat "\nSelect the drawer where you would like\n"
"the drawer containing\nMagnifiCAD to be installed.\n") )
(help (cat "\nA drawer named MagnifiCAD will be created in the\n"
"drawer you select, and the program and all the files\n"
"will be copied into this new drawer.") )
(default @default-dest)
;(if(<>(exists Destination) 2)
; (makedir Destination (infos)))
(set @default-dest Destination)
(complete 10)
(set @default-dest
(tackon Destination "MagnifiCAD")
(makedir @default-dest
(prompt "Creating MagnifiCAD drawer.")
(complete 20)
; **
; ** Assign
; **
(makeassign "MagnifiCAD" @default-dest)
(complete 30)
; **
; ** Fonts
; **
(if(exists "fonts:newtopaz.font")
(set installfont 0)
; else
(set installfont
(prompt (cat "\nMagnifiCAD needs the newtopaz.font\n\n "
"Shall I install the font in your FONTS: drawer?" ))
(help (cat "This copies the font to FONTS:."
"The newtopaz.font is needed for\nMagnifiCAD to work."))
(if installfont
(prompt "Copying newtopaz.font to Fonts: directory")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "ram:temp/Fonts")
(dest "Fonts:")
(complete 40)
; **
; ** Libs
; **
(if(exists "libs:easyrexx.library")
if(<= (getversion "ram:temp/easyrexx.library")
(getversion "libs:easyrexx.library"))
;(prompt ("newtopaz.font is already\ninstalled in your system"))
(set installib 0)
; else
(set installib
(prompt (cat "\nMagnifiCAD needs the 'easyrexx.library'\n\n "
"Shall I install the library in your LIBS: drawer?" ))
(help (cat "This copies the 'easyrexx.library' to LIBS:"
"EasyRexx.library is used for ARexx handling"
"in MagnifiCAD"))
(if installib
(prompt "Copying 'easyrexx.library' to LIBS: directory")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "ram:temp/easyrexx.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(complete 50)
; **
; ** Install program
; **
(if (< proc 68020)
(prompt "Copying MagnifiCAD program...\n\n(68000 version)")
(source "ram:temp/MagnifiCAD.000")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:")
(newname "MagnifiCAD")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Copying MagnifiCAD program...\n\n(68020 version)")
(source "ram:temp/MagnifiCAD")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 60)
(prompt "Copying MagnifiCAD files to DEST:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(choices "ReadMe.guide"
(source "")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:")
(complete 70)
(choices "ram:temp/Icons")
(source "")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:")
(prompt "Copying Drawings & Symbols")
(source "ram:temp/Drawings/")
(pattern "#?")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:Drawings/")
(source "ram:temp/Symbols/")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:Symbols/")
(complete 80)
(source "ram:temp/Prefs/")
(pattern "#?")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:Prefs")
(source "ram:temp/Docs/")
(pattern "#?")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:Docs")
(source "ram:temp/Icons/")
(pattern "#?")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:Icons")
(complete 90)
;(set rexxdir
; (askdir
; (prompt "Where shall I put the ARexx scripts?")
; (default "MagnifiCAD:ARexx/")
; (newpath "MagnifiCAD:ARexx/")
; (help "Select a directory to put the MagnifiCAD\nARexx scripts in.")
; )
(prompt "Copying ARexx scripts...")
(pattern "#?")
(source "ram:temp/ARexx/")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:ARexx")
(complete 95)
(if(exists "magnificad.keyfile")
(prompt (cat "This is the registered version of MagnifiCAD.\n\n"
"Now about to copy your personal keyfile\n"
"to the MagnifiCAD drawer."))
(source "magnificad.keyfile")
(dest "MagnifiCAD:")
(run "delete ram:temp all")
(complete 100)
(message "\n\nMagnifiCAD is now installed and set up for use.\n\nRemember that this is a ShareWare release ;-)")